Finding Your Confidence Again During These Uncertain Times
Guest Blog Article by
Mimi Fong | NLP Life Coaching

Our world has changed dramatically in a short space of time.
Whether you’re stuck at home with the kids or out there doing what you need to keep a roof over your family’s head, we’re all doing it tough right now.
Most of us are facing an uncertain future as we are forced to adapt to changing goal posts …
… triggering our anxieties big time …
… affecting our confidence levels massively …
When we became mums, our lives also changed as we devoted all our energy and efforts to raising our children.
They became our priority as we put ourselves last.
And over time, we started to lose our sense of self, who we are, and what we are capable of … as our confidence also started to fall.
So … throw self-isolation into the mix, job loss or working from home full-time, greater financial uncertainty, and home-schooling … and it’s a recipe for a complete Confidence Crisis!
As a Master NLP Practitioner and Life Coach, I’ve seen this pattern with all my clients who are parents.
That loss of identity and confidence is almost like a rite of passage to parenthood.
But it doesn’t have to be …
No matter your circumstances and what is happening around you, you can find your Confidence again.
So here are 2 simple things you can do …
Step 1
Confidence is based on your beliefs about yourself.
How capable and worthy you believe you are …
Let me ask you a question …
When was the last time you did something for yourself … that was just for you?
Or the last time that you spent money on yourself? That was purely just for you and no one else …?
I’m betting your answer will be … ‘I can’t remember’, ‘never’ or ‘not in a long time’ … am I right?!
At the risk of coming across as sexist … as women, we always tend to put other people first.
We want to be everything to everyone.
Because biologically, we’re wired to nurture and support.
We are the creators of life.
It’s what we were put on this earth to do … biologically …
And that’s also our downfall.
Because as much as it’s wonderful being a nurturer and mother to a little person, it’s also a curse …
Because we almost always inevitably end up putting ourselves last!
And when we do that, our self-confidence is negatively impacted.
Because we’re telling ourselves that we’re not worth it … every single time.
If we were on a plane that was about to crash in the ocean, we would ignore the flight attendant’s instructions to put our oxygen mask on first … as we would instinctively reach for our child’s mask …
That decision might save our child … but it could also doom us!
Sacrificing ourselves for another might seem the right thing to do … but what happens after that?
Our children might survive … but they wouldn’t have a mother …
As a mum myself, if my daughter’s life was being threatened, I wouldn’t hesitate to give mine to save hers.
I get that.
But what if you had a way to save you both?
What if I told you that you didn’t have to sacrifice yourself to save your child?
Wouldn’t you want to take that option?
If there was a way for me to be there for my child, be there for all her milestones, and be the best I could be for her, I’d take it in a heartbeat …
So what is this way?
It’s simple and also counter-intuitive …
Tell yourself you’re worth it.
Put yourself first.
Then crucially [and please listen to this] … back it up with action.
Do something to show yourself that you mean it.
Because until you do, those words and intentions don’t mean anything.
Nothing changes.
But isn’t that being selfish, I hear you say?
And being selfish is a bad thing, isn’t it??
Yes it is … if you do it so that it harms others …
So I’m going to teach you a new way of being selfish …
… where you put yourself first and it helps others …!
Put on your oxygen mask first.
By doing that, you’re telling your child that you’re worth saving … which means they are too.
And by action, I don’t just mean reading hundreds of self-help books and blogs and doing nothing with them.
Find out what you need to do to save yourself, and then GO DO IT!
Invest in yourself … emotionally and mentally if you can’t do it financially …
Put yourself first.
Show yourself you are worth it.
Start small if you need to … eg. 10 minutes of ME time every day.
And build from there.
Because if you don’t do it, how can you expect your child to? …
Step 2
Practice self-compassion.
Notice the negative or critical voice in your head.
Take a pause and reframe it.
Say to yourself ‘It’s ok. I’m doing the best that I can.’
Shift the focus to what you can do … and do it.
Because self-criticism is the enemy of confidence.
It sabotages your ability to do.
It sabotages your self-worth.
So there you go. Two super simple strategies you can apply right now to find your confidence again.
And if you want to learn more confidence finding strategies or have any questions, you can either email me directly at or JOIN MY VIP WAIT LIST to be one of the first to find out about a super special offer I’ll be announcing in the next month where I’ll be giving away free access to my Confidence Creation Course …
Rebecca Connolly Photography is an award-winning photographer specialising in newborn baby and family photography. Rebecca Connolly Photography was a Finalist in the 2019 Local Business Awards – and we thank all of our amazing clients for voting for us. With over 10 years of experience photographing newborns and babies we are so happy to have been a part of capturing memories for so many families in the greater Sydney area. To enquire about booking a Sydney photography session with Rebecca Connolly – click HERE